Often, agender individuals are not concerned with their physical sex, but some may seek to look androgynous. An agender individual’s body does not necessarily correspond with their lack of gender identity.
Affectional Orientation: See ‘Romantic Orientation.’.AFAB: Abbreviation for “assigned female at birth.”.Aesthetic Attraction: Attraction to someone’s appearance, without it being romantic or sexual.Ace Spectrum: The grouping of asexual, demisexual, and gray-asexual under a single umbrella of related sexual orientation.Often used to refer to asexual people in a similar manner as “gay” or “straight” are used to refer to homosexual or heterosexual people. A/Ace: Colloquial abbreviation of “asexual”.Pay close attention to and mirror the language the individual uses to identify.
Over time, language and terminology may shift. No glossary will encompass the complete range of identities and terms that are used within LGBTQ communities. The information below was compiled from multiple resources. Below is a list of words used in the LGBTQA+ community.